Title:Ghana: 116 Child Laborers Rescued
url: http://www.nytimes.com/2011/05/28/world/africa/28forbriefs-116CHILDLABO_BRF.html?ref=childlabor
The significance of this article is to inform readers about what is going on in other places around the world. This article is particularly focused on Ghana. The official, Patience Quaye, said that officers had found parents in fishing communities who had sold children as young as 4 for as little as $100. This reminds me of the consequences of education, child labor and the conditions in the coal mines. The parents of the children working could not afford to take care of their kids so they send their children of to work in factories, farms etc. The article was talking about how police rescued 116 children who had been forced into labor in Ghana’s Volta Lake area. This is reflective of the time the government of the industrial revolution sent investigators to see how the children were being treated. I believe that the police officers who rescued the asked them and tried to find out how the children from Ghana were being treated while working. The police also rescued 284 kids during that time period. I think that the children should be put into foster care instead of just selling them off to strangers. The reason why I stated that is because the child will be in a safe and legal environment. The people affected by the situation is an positive effect because now they have the opportunity to have a good education because they are now going to be taken care of by the government. They are also going to want to go help other people that are I there predicament. This issue is very complicated because the parents can’t always be blamed because we don’t know why the parents would sell their own child for just $100 instead of just giving them up for adoption.
url: http://www.nytimes.com/2011/05/28/world/africa/28forbriefs-116CHILDLABO_BRF.html?ref=childlabor
The significance of this article is to inform readers about what is going on in other places around the world. This article is particularly focused on Ghana. The official, Patience Quaye, said that officers had found parents in fishing communities who had sold children as young as 4 for as little as $100. This reminds me of the consequences of education, child labor and the conditions in the coal mines. The parents of the children working could not afford to take care of their kids so they send their children of to work in factories, farms etc. The article was talking about how police rescued 116 children who had been forced into labor in Ghana’s Volta Lake area. This is reflective of the time the government of the industrial revolution sent investigators to see how the children were being treated. I believe that the police officers who rescued the asked them and tried to find out how the children from Ghana were being treated while working. The police also rescued 284 kids during that time period. I think that the children should be put into foster care instead of just selling them off to strangers. The reason why I stated that is because the child will be in a safe and legal environment. The people affected by the situation is an positive effect because now they have the opportunity to have a good education because they are now going to be taken care of by the government. They are also going to want to go help other people that are I there predicament. This issue is very complicated because the parents can’t always be blamed because we don’t know why the parents would sell their own child for just $100 instead of just giving them up for adoption.