Friday, December 17, 2010

Blog Entry #2.5- Design Brief (A)

1. Always start with the design brief with " I am going to design" followed by a general description of what you are designing and creating.
I am going to design and make a post card about the cinco de3 mayo holiday and i have to research it and do a lot of reading on it because i don't know anything about that holiday.

2. What is the goal of the product? What should able to do?
My goal for this product is to know a lot about it and be able to contribute some information or poor some information into the readers.

3.I want to reach the taste of the food, culture, language and the people.

4.I think that the most important part is to have connection with the project you are working on.

5.I don't want to see any fails information in my project.

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